
the blog of the Friends of Pendle Heritage Centre Archaeology Group.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

With the final sod placed on trench 10 the dig was at an end

On our last day, we continued to find more pot but, like Time Team on day three, we had to let go and close the site down.  We now have to carefully check out the finds and make some sense of what we have.

Here is the record of the day...

Rewards of a late stay....

Bonus points to Alex and Paul today for refusing to leave until they had found a little more pottery on what is a  miserly site with regard to finds. We can also thank them for providing the daily photos and text for the week's web pages.  Click here for Thursday's report...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A day of dead-ends

At last, the weather began to improve.  We found more pottery and opened a new trench but it was really a day of dead ends.  See, https://sites.google.com/site/archaeologygroup/home/sabden-fold-bloomery/15-a-day-of-dead-ends

Saturday, May 21, 2011

So far, the signs are promising...

Hello Everyone,
Today, we opened up two new trenches at the site, extending the area investigated last year. So far, the signs are promising with large quantities of slag from an iron working site.
Click the link below for more:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back Again for More!

Despite originally being a quick excavation, by popular demand, we are back again at the Sabden Bloomery site.  Excavation begins 10am, next Saturday, 21st May.  See how the advance party got on yesterday before the rain came down....